We resource initiatives creating robust infrastructure and resilient connections that support sustained efforts towards migrant justice.
October 2024
Working across the Sahel-Saharan region and Europe, Afrique-Europe Interact is a transnational solidarity and cooperation network of grassroots activists and self-organised migrants supporting people on the move in their struggle for freedom of movement. Last October, in collaboration with Alarmphone Sahara, the network marked a decade of people-powered resistance to Europe’s neocolonial externalisation of border management in Senegal, a key departure point for forcibly displaced populations.
The movement-building gathering also provided space for families who have lost loved ones on the journey across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. In honoring their stories, these events foster collective empowerment, uniting migrant, diasporic, and Global South participants to advocate for systemic solutions to forced displacement.
November 2024
We Are Monitoring is the only regional initiative bridging the gap between people on the move and legal organisations in Poland. In collaboration with grassroots organisations and local residents, they’re collaboratively weaving a transnational solidarity network by collecting participatory testimonies, gathering data, and empowering multi-layered migrant advocacy to end the human rights abuses along the border regions for people on the move. They strategically leverage compelling narratives and research to disseminate across civil society and policy-makers, holding institutions accountable and driving justice-oriented systemic change.
June 2024
Mi Great is a grassroots, people-powered movement campaigning against Europe’s oppressive border regime, working to dismantle the power structures that systematically oppress and exploit people, particularly those from the Global South. The organisation advocates for the freedom of movement, safe migration pathways, and resisting discriminatory border policies. Its programming includes building collective capacity by working closely with mutual aid collectives at the external(ised) EU borders, organizing the first-ever nation-wide “MOVE” demo in the Netherlands, and building towards lasting institutional change with diverse stakeholders.
July 2024
Since 2021, Sienos Grupė has been the primary locally-founded actor combating border violence and systemic discrimination against migrants in Lithuania. This year, they opened a vibrant interfaith, intercultural community centre in the heart of Vilnius, designed to foster connection, solidarity, and capacity through holistic well-being events for migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers; political education workshops; and direct legal and health services. Their ongoing work also includes closely monitoring the cases of human rights violations at the borders, building and activating Lithuanian civil society’s solidarity with migrants, and advocating at legislative and electoral levels for progressive policy change.
across the Balkan region
January 2025
We are resourcing a grassroots, translocal coalition uniting across 9 countries of the Balkan region (Bosnia, North Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Greece) to align migrant justice movement visions, priorities, and strategies. The Solidarity Line Balkans Network is one of the first alliances of its kind, building on years of experience to now ignite concrete solutions and scalable models of work that are relevant across the region while coordinating and consolidating ongoing relationships into a flexible, responsive infrastructure in a time of rising right-wing actors.
In January, the network held its first in-person meeting, where members exchanged practices and learnings, discussed possibilities for cooperation amongst the different actors, and deepened trust while building collective skills to strengthen their advocacy work.
December 2024
We’re resourcing a diaspora women and queer led transnational campaign aimed at building collective power to secure rights for migrants and refugees impacted by the Italy-Albania EU externalisation deal. This initiative unites Italian and Albanian civil society, including local residents, experts, and activists with lived experience of displacement, in opposing the ongoing externalisation of Europe’s punitive migration control.
The anti-racist, anti-fascist campaign is led by an emergent transnational coalition between Melting Pot, Zanë Kolektiv, and Europe Other, with their tactics including monitoring detention, capacity-building workshops, mass consciousness-raising, and policy advocacy to stop Italy’s outsourcing of migrant detention to Albania.
"From Sea to Prison" is an activist project in Palermo that works with and for people criminalized for having driven themselves and others across Italy's maritime border. It monitors the systematic arrest of people upon arrival in Italy, as well as their trials and sentencing. The project provides social-legal support to people in prison and after release, and advocates against the criminalization of freedom of movement. Working with local and transnational networks, it reports on the legal and political developments in the criminalization of people on the move, both in Italy and beyond.
The project involves a wide group of people – some of whom were also previously imprisoned and have since become part of the local community – and maintains regular contact with prisoners via letter, writing in a range of languages including Arabic, English, Farsi, Italian, Russian and Turkish. Carried out by the collective and community space ‘Porco Rosso’ in Palermo, and in collaboration with the NGO borderline-europe, its activists bring together a diverse set of knowledge and life experiences, finding connection through the common struggle for freedom of movement.
Balkan region
Border Violence Monitoring Network includes 13+ grassroots organisations working together to document human rights violations along the Balkan migration route and bringing these injustices to light through a multi-level advocacy strategy at national, European, and UN levels. The network seeks to consolidate its monitoring activities at the borders, make cases and testimonies of border violence visible and open-source through monthly audited reports, and build an effective joint strategy to address criminalisation and the malpractices of ‘managing’ migration flows at borders in this region. It is currently building the first ever legal database in this region, addressing how advocacy efforts must be conjoined with effective research and a focused litigation strategy.
We seeded Casa del Mutuo Soccorso (House of Mutual Aid) in Partinico, Sicily, an initiative that cultivates the growth of resilient communities centered on deep ecological relationships against the exploitation of people and land. This co-operative community center arises out of self-organised coalitions between Italian activists and African migrant agricultural workers, who have independently come together since 2015 to oppose exploitation of migrant labor and precarious shelter conditions.
They’ve built up grassroots resistance to the Italian agro-industrial sector across Sicily, Calabria, Puglia, Campania and the northern part of the country – a map of labor mobility that overlaps with trajectories of people arriving in Europe through the Central Mediterranean. The inter-ethnic community space acts as a centralised point for migrant agricultural workers to build power in coalition with local trade unions during olive harvest season, as well as activate civil society's consciousness through public events on the intersection of migration, agriculture, and labor.
We resourced a capacity-building project with Borderless Collective aimed at enhancing and advancing expertise within civil society efforts supporting illegalised migrants. This year-long initiative convened participants working on this topic across various EU countries, and topics were identified through a participatory process to address existing gaps in the grassroots scene: project management, logistics, social media and public relations, critical whiteness, queer-feminism, decolonisation, and more. By ensuring diverse representation from different groups at these sessions, the aim is to multiply the capacity-building impact as participants disseminate the knowledge gained within their own organisations.
The Transborder Camp is the largest grassroots-centric and self-organised gathering of an “underground railroad” for and with movements working on forced migration. We resourced its second ever iteration with 700+ participants of migrants and activists across Europe and Africa coming together for several days at Zone à Défendre (Zone of Defense) in Nantes, France, an autonomous area occupied by grassroots activists defending the forest and meadow environment from an airport construction. Strategic exchange took place through horizontal discussions in small groups with multiple simultaneous languages: 40+ parallel workshops were on the program, ranging from relationship and trust-building, critical reflections on movement wins and losses, sharing insight into cross-border struggles, and collectively building an intersectional approach to migrant justice across the realms of queer-feminism, climate, digital justice, and more.
In addition to financial support, we attended the Camp as an in-person annual retreat, strategising about the development of the Fund and deepening our relationships on an eye-to-eye level with the transnational migrant justice ecosystem.
Bosnia, Serbia, Greece, Montenegro, Spain
Created from the grassroots when migrants and international activists met in Belgrade in 2017 and decided to cook together, No Name Kitchen is an independent civil movement supporting the right to move freely when seeking a better, dignified life. With 24/7 presence on the ground, the initiative combines frontline humanitarian support with detailed and participatory documentation of border violence. It transforms collected data on pushbacks, psychological damage, direct physical violence, and violations of human rights especially against women and minors into political action through advocacy to policy makers, denouncing systematic violations of human rights at the external European borders.
Weekly assemblies and coalition-building with dozens of collectives help No Name Kitchen fulfill their role as a crucial human rights ‘watchdog’ providing a multi-country intervention for migrants along and around the Balkan and Mediterranean routes.
Germany, pan-European
Skills for Utopia is a grassroots-oriented political education collective training activists and political groups across and beyond Europe. Throughout 24 workshops and webinars, and with a network of 30+ qualified trainers, the collective provided expertise for practical, free skill-sharing directly tailored to migrant justice organisers and support structures at the external EU borders. Results included support groups in strategically dreaming of utopic visions, launching effective public campaigns, engaging knowledgeable with cyber security, and deconstructing power-critical structures.
Skill-sharing becomes increasingly important to strengthen the tissue of our movements. As an activist-led collective, with low-barrier and cost-free trainings, Skills4Utopia is specifically intended to be accessible to and empower smaller groups, grassroots activists, and directly impacted populations to benefit from the program. Their training approach enables activists to share gained knowledge within their organisations and beyond, creating a multiplying effect of capacity-building.
Italy, Senegal
Under the banner “from the sea to the city,” a slogan that encompasses the transborder linkages of solidarity work for migrant justice, two parallel gatherings in Palermo, Italy and Dakar, Senegal took place with 250+ members of civil society organizations and grassroots social movements across Europe and in the African regions of Tunisia, Morocco, Niger, and Mali. Throughout several days, practices and visions for freedom of movement were collectively discussed, with a focus on practical workshops and reflections on recent legislation of externalised EU migration policies impacting regional and transnational activist structures.
Moreover, this rare in-person gathering mitigated the barriers of security and time sensitivity typical to remote coordination, allowing in-depth reflection on various experiences of the last several years, sparking an evaluation of united visions, goals, and relationships built for the future.
Community kitchens have always played an important role across mutual aid practices and interconnected fights for food, class, and racial justice. Involving cross-border stakeholders from Niger, Mali, Togo, Morocco, Germany, and Austria, the weekly community kitchen in Agadez, Niger offers a practical solution for migrants who have been stranded. Migrants' struggle for dignified life has become even more precarious due to the global pandemic, exaggerating the globally uneven impacts of health apartheid.
This regular communal space plays many roles: it fosters solidarity and trust between various communities, serves as a hub for developing lived experience leadership, and enhances the organising capacity and holistic well-being of displaced populations. As a crucial support structure and movement-building base, it also collects participatory testimonies of migrants in the systematically overlooked situation in the Sahel-Saharan zone, advancing advocacy efforts across national and international media.
Beginning in 2020 with a call for radical change from grassroots organisers working in Greece, Europe Must Act has grown into an important civil society movement with local groups in 58 cities across 21 European countries. Its united vision is to build a network of solidarity that can adapt to the changing migration patterns of the 21st century and highlight the malpractice of repressive European migration policies. Its campaigning platform is based on a diversity of combined tactics: a regular blog on migration policy, grassroots reports from Aegean Sea route, participatory “Raising Voices” testimonies of migrants in Greek refugee camps, and building localized structures – #CitiesMustAct – to demonstrate a broad alliance of European civil society in support of safe migration routes and dignified rights for migrants.
ReFOCUS Media Labs is dedicated to educating and training refugee citizen journalists, providing unique and fair opportunities for displaced individuals to tell their own stories and reclaim their autonomy within a dominant media landscape that often speaks for them instead of with them. The training is conducted by those directly affected by complex crises. The multi-media content in video, photography, and testimony produced through this initiative is utilised not only by humanitarian organisations like Sea Watch, Human Rights Watch, and One Happy Family Center Lesbos, but also by major news outlets such as the BBC. This approach meaningfully helps build a global network advocating for migrant rights through participatory narrative change.